Drama Queen Peony
“Drama Queen Peony″ is an original oil painting of stormy pinks and elegant neutrals with white and creamy tints by visual artist Roxanne Dyer. This painting is oil on canvas, 24″ x 24″ (7/8" deep). The original painting is not for sale. Prints are available.
Artist note: It was through hurricane season in 2021 that I named this painting. While it had a gentle and soft "feeling" the underlying mood was unmistakable. The artwork of this marvellous peony reminded me of stories and images that dominated the media, the storms we were experiencing... and especially circumstances that had currently captured the globe.
Prints and printed products of “Drama Queen Peony″ from the "Beauty for Ashes" collection of artwork are now available on this website, click here, or through PIXELS, Fine Art America at this link: https://roxanne-dyer.pixels.com/
The "Beauty for Ashes" Art Exhibition took place at Galerie Erga, Oct 12-18, 2021, 6394 Boul. St Laurent, Montreal, Qc. H2S 3C4
Inspiration for the exhibition and title are from this passage...
Frames / accessories for illustrative purposes only / not included