Pink Bouquet
“Pink Bouquet″ is an original painting, 36"w x 48”h, on a gallery canvas (1 5/8"D). Elegant pink and cream peonies on a neutral ground create a luscious and serene scape. These enormous blooms are delightfully captivating; they offer a fresh, modern take on a classic idea. The colour palette can compliment a range of decors from light to dark while elevating the feeling in a nicely curated space.
The original painting is for sale.
Inquiries, contact Roxanne:
Prints and printed products of “Pink Bouquet″ from the "Beauty for Ashes" collection of artwork will be available soon on this website, click here, or through PIXELS, Fine Art America at this link:
The "Beauty for Ashes" Art Exhibition took place at Galerie Erga, Oct 12-18, 2021, 6394 Boul. St Laurent, Montreal, Qc. H2S 3C4
Inspiration for the exhibition and title are from this passage...
Frames / accessories for illustrative purposes only / not included