Airships 12
"Airships 12" is an original oil painting by artist Roxanne Dyer. This tiny, original artwork is oil on canvas, 7" x 5" and is available to purchase.
Frames / accessories for illustrative purposes only / not included.
The image of the painting above a desk shows approximate size and look of the original artwork in a 3" frame with a 2.5" linen Marie Louise.
About "Airships"...
"The little “Balloon” oil paintings, or “Airships” as they are titled, each averaged about 1 week to complete. I took those images 15 years ago at the International Balloon Festival in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec. … every year, while pouring over the archives of thousands of photos I collected, I pondered my little balloon images. I began painting them when the time was right, when I was inspired to work with them. There’s a piece of the balloon story that I haven’t revealed; …and I’m still thinking about that…" Roxanne Dyer