A VISION, Oil Painting
"A VISION" is an original oil painting created by artist Roxanne Dyer. A key work in "The Ēvolō project" this piece exemplifies emotion. In this artwork a serene young woman peers intensely out a window as if to behold a vision. Elegant brown & cream colours ground the idea establishing focus on the figure's gaze.
The painting is oil on canvas, 48" x 24"
The painting is available to purchase.
More about the Ēvolō project... "Visions are perception projected into the unknown. Although unseen, when supported with faith I believe they can become powerful forces that affect transformation. Used as a metaphor for transformation and infused with an emotional quality, "A VISION" tempers the intensity into a quiet moment of contemplation." Visual Artist, Roxanne Dyer
Frames / accessories / decor for illustrative purposes only / not included